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Project-related supplier evaluation at energy suppliers

  • Success Story

EWV Stolberg: Construction site evaluation with the SC-Evaluator from Simmeth System

At the EWV (Energy and Water Supply GmbH) Stolberg, the civil engineering suppliers are evaluated project-specifically via the Supply Monitor of Simmeth System in parallel with the annual evaluation of the entire active supplier pool. Here, a web-based questionnaire is sent to the project managers for each construction site that fulfills certain criteria. The answers from the technicians flow directly into the Supply Monitor database and are automatically calculated and classified for each project and supplier. Results are available for detailed analyzes, evaluations and reports at the touch of a button. Depending on the classification of the rating, recommendations for action were developed for the development of the suppliers.
The SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) system at EWV Stolberg covers all process steps of supplier management - from selection and qualification to evaluation, classification and methodical supplier development. EWG Stolberg has successfully implemented this step by step with the Supply Monitor from Simmeth System in practice.
The central module, the regular annual evaluation of suppliers by means of key figures from the ERP system and web-based questionnaires, which are answered by various departments differentiated according to different product groups, has been successfully in use since 2009.
Hardy Creutz, Head of Purchasing and Materials Management: "Projects in the field of civil engineering, cable and pipe construction account for 72 percent of our purchasing volume in the Construction procurement group. For this reason and on the basis of the successes achieved with the supplier evaluation, it was decided that this supplier pool could be optimized even better and more sustainably by means of a project-related construction site assessment. "
The core of the system is that the civil engineering contractors are evaluated immediately after completion of a construction site to their performance in this project.
The evaluation criteria are different for a project evaluation than for a classic supplier evaluation. In addition to the price, the reliability and quality of the suppliers per project are examined. In terms of a 360-degree assessment, ie the all-round view of the performance of a supplier, the aspects of the construction work as well as the construction accounting are taken into account.
Dieter Gronowski, Deputy Head of Purchasing and Project Manager for the construction site assessment: "The ERA would like to commission only those suppliers who are particularly suitable for execution. In addition to the price are special eligibility criteria, w. z. B. Assess performance. The results of the project evaluation support us in selecting the right partners sustainably. In addition, the results are presented transparently and allow a fair equal treatment of all suppliers. "
The early integration of the technicians promoted the acceptance of this method from the beginning.
In joint workshops, all the employees concerned, in the area of ​​construction accounting, agreed on 3 criteria, in the field of construction 5 criteria with the help of questionnaires.
The questions on these criteria are divided into different questionnaires and sent to the person responsible for the criteria. This ensures that the affected employees only have to answer a few questions about their area of ​​responsibility. This increases the acceptance of the procedure and nevertheless ensures that a survey of all responsible persons results in a 360-degree image.
The answers to the queried criteria flow directly into the Supply Monitor database and are summarized in the form of a scorecard using weightings for a rating per project or construction site and also per supplier.
Miriam Lohne, purchasing EWV: "The resulting comprehensive data pool from the evaluated projects provides an excellent foundation for the cooperation and development of these suppliers."
Based on the results, the construction sites are now classified in a project classification in 4 classes from "exemplary" to "in need of development" and processed according to the derived recommendations for action.
After a pilot phase in June and July with selected construction projects, in which positive experiences were gained without exception, they went into real-life operation in August 2012. The results since then used in the allocation of new projects. The goal of optimizing and increasing the quality of the supplier pool can already be clearly observed at this point by prioritizing the exemplary projects.
Hardy Creutz: "In summary, one can say that the site evaluation with the supply monitor is efficient, concrete, timely and consistent. Based on numbers, data and facts, this system now delivers clear results instead of the previous gut feeling. Even the development of individual results is tracked and can be edited individually at any time. "